

The fonts, colors and indentation in this blog may be screwy for a little while as I am trying to decipher what every part of the HTML programming in this template does. I was lamenting to my husband last night that I don't understand why in a world where there are millions of people working two jobs, putting themselves through school at night and otherwise spread very thin, why I am two seconds away from a breakdown doing all my normal stuff and trying to design a web page?

I think the answer has to be that I just don't like to work hard anymore. I used to like and take pride in being a workaholic, now I would much rather do absolutely nothing. I heard a book review on NPR yesterday and thought, "Oh, it must be nice to read books." Then I couldn't figure out what exactly I was doing that I wasn't reading a book. I know that I am not alone, pretty much everyone I know feels the same way.

What are we doing exactly?

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