
Change can do you good

Well, I did actually finish Julie and Julia on vacation and i would like to go on record as saying that I am probably one of the few who really like this book. If you look too hard it is a poorly edited book written by someone whose prior writing experience had been writing a blog which, as we all know, aint much. However, if you have recently turned thirty have recently woken up feeling like maybe life hadn't turned out like you thought it might and that you are powerless to change it, then this is the book for you.

Now I am not saying I hate my life, by any stretch of the means, but we all get stuck in a rut, get bogged down by routine. In fact, I am willing to bet that almost everybody reading this blog is working a job they find a little bit boring, for which they are a little over-qualified and their main worry is how they are going to afford x,y and z, which is why they work at said boring job. I personally have the luxury of working with my kid, who may extremely maddening, but is never boring. However, that is only half my day, the other half is running a house, which everyone will agree is boring, let's face it my job is to do the things most people schluff off on their spouse, housekeeper, dry cleaner, etc.

So am I going to cook every recipe in Mastering the Art Of French Cooking? Hardly, I have a kid and would never be able to just give up on housecleaning and there is no way I could de-bone a whole duck. I can barely cube raw chicken without gagging. However, I am starting to come around to the idea that a little change in the rountine can make a lot of difference. So after the Oscars I will officially be on the hunt for a new project, I am open to suggestions. . .

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