
Like a bad habit

So, as I mentioned earlier in the week Fancy Simple's theme this week is about bad habits. I was reading through one of the other poster's blogs and it hit me all at once what my true worst habit is. I used to think that it was Mommy guilt. The whole, I fed her a waffle and put her in front of the tv thing (the waffle was whole wheat and the tv was PBS!!!). I used to think that this was every woman, every mother I knew. We all wanted to keep up with Martha Stewart, that neighbor whose kid never has a tantrum, your playgroup friends who are skinnier now then they ever were. While I think all of this is a problem, most of the time I am able to check myself and say, "She's fine and there isn't much that I can do to work harder at this." I think the real problem is that this is all we are worried about.

My bad habit is that i have forgotten that I exist. It kind of goes hand in hand with my inability to say no or ever tell another person (other than my husband and child) that I am angry at the way that they behave. I am a doormat. Not with my kid, but with every other living person on this planet. My mother, my friends, pre-school teachers, my neighbors, at first I thought I was just helping out. That's what a good friend does, what any person should do. I stay at home, I have time, a good mother is involved at school. Blah, blah, blah. All the sudden you have stopped thinking about going back to work (when would squeeze in work, I am already overcommitted?), you haven't had a manicure in six months (why would I spend the money, Olivia is out paint, I'll go pick that up instead) and you are trying to fix a hole in your husband's pants because you don't want to go back to the tailor and fight with her AGAIN. Oh, did I mention that I don't sew?

So there it is, this confession much more depressing than disclosing my weight, I can't drag my ass out of bed four days a week and run off being a great big sap. If I could I would probably stop the binge eating that relates to said running though and that would be nice. I know that Fancy Simple is supposed to be about bad habits like, I bite my nails, I give unsolicited advice to new moms in grocery stores, and I always park too far over in the garage. But, I am way better at being really hard on myself so I prefer to list my bad habits as doormat, binge eater, passive- agressive snarker, gossipy, oh and judgemental. VERY judgemental.

So there you have it. It is a little freeing in the sense that I hope people read this and say, "Well at least I don't binge eat." See, bad habit.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why you don't understand that we all do that. we all over commit our selves. We all judge, gossip, and get lost in the habit of putting others first. And lastly, we are all binge eaters. Even super thin people binge eat, they just process it faster.

So in truth - your bad habit're just like everyone else. And that is a hard bad habit to break.

angieoh! said...

Oh babe.

Take a breath. I have to agree with Sean, most of these are habits that we all have!!!! Some more than others - particularily at different times in our lives.

I have all of those except doormat and instead mine is big bitch so there is not much of a trade off between the two!

And at least I don't bite my nails.


Oh and by the way. My mom used to feed me eggos and put me in front of the tv sometimes too. I turned out mostly ok.

Shelley said...

Liz - my grams always used to say - if you do't have anything nice to say - come sit by me! i just read your post and i think you stole it from inside my mind. can i just cut and paste and put it in my blog? it is EXACTLY what i feel... i am thinking you and i are long lost mommy soul mates! come sit by me? and i don't know how to reply to you via email... so my email is shelleymay(at)att(dot)net

i'm going to scarf down some chocolate now - for BREAKFAST!!!