
Habit forming

So, I have been a little slow with the new Fancy Simple challenge this week because it is all about habits. Frankly, I am in a little bit of denial about all of my bad habits, of which there are many. The first question was about our daily routines and thinking about that has been enough to send me into a downward spiral for two days. I love routine, it makes me feel secure and happy. Predictable is good for a Type A. Since Olivia has started school three days a week I have not been able to get a routine. We did a lot of travelling in the Fall, illnesses, Chad's work and now the early holidays have been preventing me from getting my world under control.

And when Mama aint happy aint nobody happy. Olivia has been a mess, and Chad has just been, well, worried. So, stop mocking my inner neuroses Fancy Simple!!! The least they could do is give me a prize!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

you commented on my blog. so here i am on yours. i SO love your tagline on your profile. don't you just love the other questions - "so when's #2 coming?" i often wonder do people want to know my bathroom habits or do they REALLY want to hear what i think about having more than one child?

rock on sister! loving your words... added you to my faves. i'm making reading yours a habit - so get goin on that challenge!