
As promised

So here are my reviews of "premiere week" television. I have watched the crap, so you don't have to.

I am down to just Extreme Makeover and how i would like to be rid of it. I hate this show. I have been watching it for years and i cry every single freaking time. I am waiting for the compassion fatigue that is supposed to set in with this stuff, instead it is like compassion crack.

Heroes-Heroes always gets a big "hells ya" from me. I am not a sci-fi geek. In fact, I spent most of our last Vegas trip mocking Chad for his visit to the Star Trek museum. Birthday, smirthday. You go to the Star Trek museum you get mocked. However, this show has it all, hot guys, smart plot that actually answers the questions it lays out (Lost I am looking your direction) and kick ass super powers. I am grateful that this show is on Mondays, it gives the week a little perk.

Private Practice
I don't know that I will stick with this one. I like the cast, it is even kind of funny, but Grey's was so terribly morose last year, that I almost can't watch this show by association.

Dirty Sexy Money
I imagine that there are other people and things to pay attention to on this show, but Peter Krause, and therefore all my latent fantasies, are in this show. Seriously, it is not as bad as the critics said it was and I think it has potential.

Bionic Woman
This was Chad's pick, and it was better than I thought. If you liked Alias, you'll watch this. Plus, Isiah Washington will be on soon.

Top Chef
We all know how I feel about this one. Besides, it's all I have until Runway in November.

America's Next Top Model
I know i blog incessantly about it, but The Tyra cannot be denied.

CSI-If they had killed off Sarah I might have stayed with this season, but as it is, this one will probably sit on the TiVo unwatched until everything is in re-runs.

The Office-We actually watch Grey's on-line now so that we always TiVo the Office. We even watch it twice sometimes.

30 Rock-If you aren't watching this you should be. I think it can even be funnier than The Office.

Big Shots-Oh my God. Don't, just don't.

Tim Gunn's Guide To Style-Not the most exciting show ever, but real practical advice that isn't insulting or demeaning, how refreshing.

Saturday Night Live-Kanye as a performer was great, but not the wall of sound i wanted. Andy Samberg is possibly the funniest person on tv right now. Too bad everything else on the show sucks.

Still on the TiVo-Cane and Without a Trace. I'll get there. i will try a few more this week, maybe Pushing Daisies and some others, I'll keep you updated.

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