
it's Raining Babies and Frappaccinos

So the exciting news is-everyone is pregnant, except me. Did you really think I would announce that via blog post? Rachel, I am looking in your direction. Seriously though, everyone else, are you looking to get pregnant? Spend about twenty minutes in my general vicinity. At first, it started out so great, one of my favorite friends is having her first and I got to do that estatic- freak-out crying in the middle of the store call and I get to do all sorts of fun buying and planning.

Then it was Olivia's best friend's mom with her second which is it's own kind of exciting because it is someone we actually like having a second. Plus, that baby is local so we get to maul it constantly. I am also convinced that this baby is my "in" with Ellie, but that's another post about my sickness of trying to get olivia's best friend to think that i am the coolest friend's mom.

Then it just started getting ridiculous. My next door neighbor, Olivia's pre-school teacher, the last mom left in my play group, other than me, to not have a second. It is getting to the point where my "congratulations, that's wonderful!" is starting to sound a little rehearsed. Don't get me wrong, i am getting to the point where babies are like puppies. They are so cute and I just want to squeeze them and love them, but then you get home and realize that you are covered in body fluids and they need to be let out every few hours and I think, "Whew dodged a bullet there." However, it does get a little lonely being the only, well, just one.

On a side note, a few people gave me gift cards to Starbucks for my birthday and I think I am putting on sympathy frappaccino weight.

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