
The Best Part Of Vaca

Ever since we had a great trip out to Philly a few years back for Brittany's med school graduation, Chad and I have discovered the secret to vacation success. One vacation day at home. Up until this vacation, we had always maximized the vacation destination time. We flew back on Sunday nights and went to work Monday morning. Now we always leave one day before going back to work, but not a day to clean or do laundry or any of that junk. We plan one vacation day at home to do fun things here in Madison. Today we chose to do all unhurried things. Leisurely breakfast out, walk through campus and let Olivia touch whatever and dawdle as long as she wanted, while Chad read the paper to me aloud. We sat by lake, ate lunch on tv trays (why olivia loves that so much I will never understand) and baked cupcakes. Tonight is the last Mallards game of the season and it is bittersweet.

Sometimes i think that our hurried lives are okay because it makes the unhurried ones that much sweeter.


Sean said...

The TV tray liking is in her genes. Our mother ate a lot of TV trays, I eat a lot on TV trays and so does out father.

angieoh! said...

I thought the best part of your vacation was coming to see me!! just teasing.

I also love tv trays. It is so retro fun!