
Newsing with the oldies

So after a morning with Olivia at our local botanical gardens where she taxed my brain with questions on everthing from duck mating rituals, Hindii iconography (i have to seriously look up some stuff after this) plant life and the effect of bacterial infections I decided we both needed a break. Olivia received the prize that she covets more than any other, a trip to the McDonalds.

Let it be known to all that I hate the McDonalds. I posess a disdain for the McDonalds that can only be described as primal and unyielding. That does not mean that I never eat there, or that i hate all fast food. Anyone who has ever taken me to a Carl's Jr knows this is not true. However, I try to avoid it because something about the McDonalds just makes me feel unclean. Either because somehow this disdain has escaped her, or because she is a spiteful little critter, Olivia loves the McDonalds.

So here we are eating our lunch with the only other people in McDonalds, the elderlies. That is when I had that moment where you realize that you have let it all go. You are eating processed chicken, drinking caffinated soda out of a green straw (it's Shrek time people) watching Fox News. Thank God I was though. How else am i going to find out what's up with hugo Chavez? You think those jackasses at CNN are going to apprise me of the threat that is Russia, no f-ing way.


angieoh! said...

hmmmm. so many interesting facets to this post.

I for one LOVE fountain soda's from McDonalds and other than homemade, their french fries are the best.

I also LOVE the elderlies - does Olivia get into little conversations with them? I do that and it drives Mike up the wall.

threat that is Russia? that is one to watch.

Free yourself Liz. Turn the tide and embrace the Golden ARches!

Lynn said...

Okay, I worked at the Golden Arches for three years, and I would strongly suggest NOT going head first into a full on embrace. That said, a big mac or some nuggets w/ sweet & sour sauce every once and a while is NEVER a bad thing. Just don't ask what you're actually eating.
Plus, eating there, Fox News and all, does give you a certain perspective on Americana that I, for one, tend to forget exists sometimes. Living in the Bay Area, and all, I frequently find it's my duty to remind my Bay Area-native friends that all of this exists in the world.

Anonymous said...

I ate at McDonalds for the first time in a long time tonight. I think that was my fill until July when dad comes...you know how much dad loves the Shakes there!

Liz Allman said...

Yes, Olivia and I both love and Chad with the elderlies. My mom has worked in a nursing home for twenty years, it is kind of second nature.

Lynn, i hear you. However, I am a Midwestern stay at home mother, it don't get more Americana than me. All I am missing is my white picket fence.

Lynn said...

Fair point... living in SF, I do tend to need particular reminding about Americana. But, isn't Madison supposed to be a lot like Berkeley, only surrounded by Americana?

Anonymous said...

Dad and I could build you a white picket fence if you need us to. (:

Oh oh, and we could install a ride on train with in the enclosed yard.