
I'm bored with the Mommy Wars

Before the local news came I was reading the newspaper and idlly waiting for the local news when this came on. I have to just say that i am bored with the "Mommy Wars." I feel like nearly every week a new editorial or article comes out about how it working mothers hate stay-at-home moms and vice versa. Save it, okay? i have friends who work outside the home full-time, part-time and not at all and they all love their kids. We all have things we hate about our jobs, our kids and our lives and whether we work at an office has nothing to do with it.

I am so over these women who leave their jobs and give staying a home a try, hate it, then complain that the other stay at home moms are too competitive. That we are setting feminism back, that we aquiescing to a society that demands that women be thre primary caretakers of children. Don't feel guilty because you want to go back to work!! Stop writing articles that Gymboree and reading to your kids is boring and that the mothers who enjoy sitting in the library and reading repetitive stories for hours must be brainwashed by society's expectations.

Newsflash, I don't like Gymboree, so I don't go. I enjoy my kid's performances and correcting her vowel sounds 9,000 times and only get irritated after about 50 times of saying "listening ears!" That doesn't make me brain dead it means that I can, and should, stay at home. You don't? Great, go back to work and leave your kid with someone who does. Your kid knows that you hate doing these things with them and soon they are going to resent you. I don't think you are less of a person 20/20 interviewee, until you start blaming me for your latent guilt.

PS-20/20 stop giving this negativity airtime.

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