
Pillow Talk-A Scene In One Act

Chad: Complaining about the order in which ESPN is showing baseball highlights Who cares about the Oriels?

Liz: Watching Mastercard commercial Forget that. Why does the elephant buy the soup first? The soup should be last so it stays hot. To self-Why an elephant? A monkey could make the trip much faster.

Chad:What are you talking about?

Liz: I should make a blog post about the things we talk about after we turn off the light, we're funny.

Chad: I hope the post isn't as long as your talking after the light goes out.


angieoh! said...

I used to love to watch tv in our bed until I determined that it was majorly contributing to my insomnia. Although, now i am sleeping so much that a little insomnia might not be a bad thing!

angieoh! said...

oh. and he doesn't pick the monkey because he isn't as steady and reliable as the elepant.

Liz Allman said...

Oh, it is definitely contributing to my insomnia. Okay, but the elephant would take like a year to make that trip?

Sean said...

I have an overall problem with that commercial. The message I walk away with is "Anyone can steal your card and use it to go on a shopping spree, even an Elephant." I don't like that idea. I mean, my credit card has a pretty low limit, so who ever steals my card isn't going to get far, but still...

Liz Allman said...

I think the commercial actually says, credit card companies don't care if you're an elephant with no obvious means of income. They will still give you a line of credit.

Anonymous said...

Well said.